A native of Michigan, Dennis attended Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, as an organ major, receiving a Bachelor of Music degree. Just prior to coming to St. Barnabas, Dennis served as organist for Christ United Methodist Church, Piscataway, NJ. While there, he joined their bell choir, and gained some valuable experiences with that group.
He served several denominations including Lutheran, Baptist, Presbyterian, UCC (United Church of Christ}, as well as served several Episcopal churches: St. Peter’s, Perth Amboy; Trinity, Red Bank; Holy Trinity, South River, and Christ Episcopal, South Amboy. At First Baptist Church in Somerville, NJ, he served as organist/director and director of the hand bell choir.
Dennis is a member of the Metropolitan Chapter, American Guild of Organists, has served on the board of directors, was Newsletter editor for several years, and was their Examinations Chairman. As a point of interest, he took both the Service Playing and Colleague Exams (CAGO) in 2012.