Find out about all of the great things happening here at St. Barnabas!

Please contact/email the office.

To add info and events to the weekly newsletter, please send your email by noon on Tuesday of that week.

To have your event dates added to the calendar.

To receive the St. B’s News in your email or realm account, please also include your contact info.



St. Barnabas Episcopal Church


 7th sunday after epiphany 





February 23, 2025

black history month

In commemoration of Black History Month the St. Barnabas Ministry for Racial Diversity will be presenting brief programming on each Sunday in February. Themes that will be featured are African American leaders in the labor movement, in the Episcopal Church, in education and sites around New Jersey that were vital in the Underground Railroad. Check out the materials offered each week.

Noel will be doing a wonderful presentation, in place of the sermon this Sunday.
  He has also prepared a beautiful series of photos and articles which will be displayed in the narthex.

take survey

St Barnabas Survey for Lenten Study

Lent is the time for spiritual reflection.

Fr. Fred will be offering a weekly series for Lenten Study on Wednesdays at 9:30pm on the St. Barnabas Zoom link.

There will be five sessions starting March 12th through April 9th.

This survey is a way for you to provide feedback on which one of these three topics you would prefer for the St. Barnabas Lenten Study for 2025.

The choices registered will be totaled and the option with the most choices will be the theme for this year.

Submit your Lenten Study topic choice here -

St Barnabas Survey for Lenten Study

see something say something


If you happen to see something that is not right with the building we all share at St. Barnabas ...
such as a dripping faucet, burned out bulb, messy area, door sticking, any one of the many things that might need attention in OUR HOME at St. Barnabas, please let someone on the Vestry, or Mike Forbes, Monica Devanas, Bobbi Gorman know so we can take care of the problem ASAP!

We want OUR ST BARNABAS HOME to be as loved and cared for as our own homes.

THANK YOU for looking, seeing and reporting any problems that we need to fix.


movie film

This Saturday, February 22, 2025
At 2 pm on Saturday February 22nd, all are invited to our February “God in All Films” series.

We meet in the “Teen Room” for film and popcorn. Then we engage in discussion with food for thought and a take-out dinner for food for the body - sharing thoughts and insights and fellowship over dinner.

All are invited!

fellowship committee

Fellowship Steering Committee Meeting

This Sunday, February 23, 2025

12:30pm Hubbard Hall


Do you enjoy FELLOWSHIP? Coffee Hour? Holiday Parties? God in All Films? Field Trips? MRD events, the International Food Festival?

Come to our Fellowship Steering Committee meeting to help collaborate, plan, schedule FELLOWSHIP EVENTS for 2025!

Meeting at the corner table in Hubbard Hall beside the calendar wall for planning the year of Jolly Good St. Barnabas Fellowship!



Tuesday, March 4th at 5pm
Free Will Donation

 Come dressed with masks, beads, or costumes to add a Mardi Gras spirit.
We will need people to make the batter, heat up the griddles, flip the pancakes, set up tables and chairs and clean up. 
Sign up sheet is in Hubbard Hall.


ash wednesday
March 5th
7:30pm Service


MARCH 15, 2025

Adventure Aquarium in Camden, NJ is the destination for the St. Barnabas Field Trip for
Saturday, March 15, 2025.

Watch for details for sign-up in Realm.
Lions and Tigers and Bears - Oh my - OH NO!
Hippos and Penguins and Sharks - OH YES!!
Walk on a rope bridge over the largest collection of sharks in the Northeast, or view them in the Shark Tunnel.
Check out the blue penguins.
They have the only Hippos in an aquarium in the
Kid Zone and Touch Exhibits, VR Experiences. Educational and Fun!

Pi Sale - March 16th

If you're interested in bringing a pie,
there is a sign-up sheet in Hubbard Hall.



The Rutgers Zimmerli Art Museum exhibit “Indigenous Identities: Here, Now and Always” will be the St. Barnabas Field Trip for Saturday, March 22, 2025.

In what is being described as the largest exhibit of Indigenous Artists to date, there are 107 works by 97 artists from over 50 Native American Tribes. Works from the last 50 years to the most recent works in all areas of artistic media.
Watch for details for sign-up in Realm.



zoom compline

Dear Parish Family,

I would like to open up a space online on Zoom for us to gather and pray together during the week. Moving forward we will have night prayer also known as Compline  at 10 pm every Wednesday night. I hope it will be a time for us to check in, see each other, and pray together during the week. The link for Compline is the same link used for Sunday Services. You can find the link by going to our website and scrolling down to the Zoom link.
Zoom link for Wednesday Compline
We are also working on providing programming and opportunities for fellowship and prayer on other days during the week both in person and online. More information to follow.
Hope to see you!
Fr. Fred+

holy week
April 14th - Evening Prayer 7:30pm

April 15th -  Stations of the Cross 7.30pm

April 16 - Tenebra 7:30pm

April 17th - Maundy Thursday/Mass of the Lord's Supper 7:30pm

April 18th - Good Friday 7:30pm 

April 19th - Easter Vigil  7:30pm

April 20th - Easter Sunday 8:30am and 10:30am

If you have anything you'd like to include in the newsletter, please send it via email to:
Altar Flowers
Note: Lent 2025 begins on March 5th (no Flowers)
and wraps up on April 19th.
Flower dedications will resume on April 27, 2025.

If you would like to make a dedication please contact Stephanie.
The cost for flowers is still only $40 as there has been no price increase.
Our thanks to Mark and Doug for the beautiful arrangements created by Roberts Florals weekly.
We have plenty of flower containers as of now!

anti racism

2025 Diocese of New Jersey online Anti-Racism Training programs:


Spring Session: Tuesday mornings from 9 AM until 11 AM: May 6, May 13, May 20, May 27, June 3, July 1.

Fall Session: Friday evenings from 7 PM until 9 PM: September 12, 19, 26, October 3, 10, November 7.

Comprender El Racismo Para Las Comunidades Hispañas: Saturday, September 20 . This class is culturally relevant to Hispanic communities and is conducted entirely in Spanish.


Has it been a while since you engaged in anti-racism training and discussion?  Racial justice conversations are essential in times such as these. You are always welcome and encouraged to participate in the training again. Anti-Racism training has been advertised on the Diocese of NJ website, but maybe you didn’t see the notice? There are still time to register (by tomorrow!) and space for you in the Winter training session, which begins Friday, January 24.  Please register no later than Wednesday, January 22 using either of these links:


The online training consists of six two-hour classes on Zoom and a self-study program between the Zoom meetings. The course helps participants understand how systemic racism covertly reinforces false ideologies that deny and justify racial and ethnic inequities.  Each week leading to the Zoom classes, you will complete online self-study lessons that take most people about two hours a week to complete and that can be done at times that fit your schedule. 


The Training costs $100 per person. Scholarships are available based on financial need. You must attend all classes and complete all assignments to receive a Certificate of Completion from the Diocese. Missed classes can be made up in the next scheduled session.


Questions? Please contact Karen Moore

Note: St. Barnabas can help fund any parishioner interested in taking the training.  Contact Bobbi Gorman.


sunday school

The 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month at 10:30am

Please click the link below to register.

Sunday School Registration

make a difference
Looking to make a huge difference in someone's life? 
Have limited time to contribute? 
Here's a suggestion.
We are always in need of additional volunteers to drive our dear Angel 
to her medical appointments in New Brunswick. 

It requires only an hour or two of your time in either the morning or afternoon. 
Any days that you are available to help are greatly appreciated!
       Contact Barbara Moreno  
fr fred

The Rev. Frederick E. Galano
The service may be found here
This week’s reflection questions:
Imagine a time when you were poor, when you were hungry, when you were mourning or weeping, when you were excluded or marginalized? Who was a blessing to you how did they help you? Pray for them, give thanks to God for them. If possible, thank them personally.
How will you live out the beatitudes? How will you be a blessing to the poor, the hungry, the weeping, the excluded, the marginalized?
Remember your Baptismal promises: Proclaiming by word and example the good news of Christ, seeking and serving Christ in all persons loving our neighbors as ourselves, striving for justice and peace among all people and respecting the dignity of every human being.

save the date

Finding God in all Films - March 8th,
April 12th, May 10th

Aquarium - March 15th

Pi Sale - March 16th

Zimmerli Art Museum - March 22nd

virtual church services

The link and insert for Sunday Services is always sent through
St. B's News (subject is always the date of the service) AND Realm. 
You can also access the link from our Website
All our services are live cast on Zoom and Facebook
St. Barnabas Facebook
St. Barnabas Zoom


Compline - Wednesdays at 10pm Virtual

Reflection and Conversation - Sundays
after the 8:30 Service

Vestry Meetings - are held once a month on the 3rd Sunday


assistance erase

What to do if someone comes to St. Barnabas looking for help
Talk with the person to see what the needs are.
Our policy is to not give money but meet a need as much as possible.
No one is to take a person home with them.

If there is food in the collection baskets, please let them have whatever they need.
We can also give a grocery card paid for by the Discretionary Fund.
Refer them to South Brunswick Social Services if they are from the area,
732-329-4000 ext. 7674        South Brunswick Social Services

Housing – In Middlesex County, all homeless needs to go through 2-1-1
Link NJ211
Ozaman Inn – Men’s Shelter 732-729-0850    Contact us About This Service
Ozaman Family Shelter 732-985-0327   Contact us About This Service
Women Aware Hotline 732-249-4504     Get Help        Text: “START” 88788
South Brunswick non emergency Police 732-329-4646

Other Assistance
Refer to the Rector, if available
Refer to NJ 211, call or website for additional assistance.

day by day

 If you are missing your daily dose of "Forward Day by Day",
Did you know that you can subscribe to it online for free? 
Here's the link;

Forward Day By Day

jjc emblem w name jpeg

If you would like to donate, there is a bin under the table in the Narthax.
They are in need of bleach, paper towels, newspapers, dog food, dog toys, wee wee pads, poop bags, etc.
They also have an Amazon Wish List.
Click on the Link Below.

JJC Animal Rescue Wish List

Your donations make it possible for the rescue
to continue to save the animals that need it most.


stop shop gc    shop rite gc 2



We continue to sell grocery gift cards in our ongoing fundraiser.  For each card sold,
St. Barnabas earns 5%. Stop and Shop cards are available in $100 and $50 denominations..  Shop Rite are available in $100, $50, $25 and $20 denominations. Easy to use for your grocery purchases and make great gifts as well.

Gift Cards will be sold on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month between 8:30 and 10:30.
You may also purchase them from the office Monday-Wednesday. Call or e-mail Maryellen to let her know when you will be stopping by.

 Please contact Shirley for more information.


ShopWithScrip is now RaiseRight. Please go to  Raise Right Enrollment
to buy gift cards at face value and St. Barnabas will automatically get a percentage of the amount from the gift card provider (the exact percentage varies by gift card). It’s that simple!

Enrollment code: 6A2379554L665 


Please email
of any announcements or information that you would like included in the





US News 

tapinto Franklin-township

or on the South Brunswick Patch

Click on the picture to support our community partners!

community partners 1

Click on the calendar to see what is going on at St. Barnabas.


Priest-in-Charge - The Reverend Frederick E. Galano

Deacon - The Rev. Chizoba Nwankwo, Deacon


Administrative Warden - Monica Devanas
Property Warden - Mike Forbes
Bryan Botsch
Bobbi Gorman
Keith Tagoe
Erin Tinagero
Sam Wadee
Ellen Alauskas
Debbie Epting

Treasurer - Bill Armstrong
Acolyte -Tom Carr
Altar Guild - Stephanie Carr
Chalicers - Bobbi Gorman
Choir and Music Program - Dennis Dell
Church Office - Maryellen Harduby
Pledge Secretary - Bryan Botsch
Fundraising - Erin Tinagero, Marlene Botsch
Fellowship - Vestry
Greeters - Kevin McLeod
Grocery Card Program - Shirley Bowers
IT Group - Bryan Botsch
Lay Led Bible Study - Erin Tinagero
Lectors - Bobbi Gorman
Ministry of Racial Diversity - Bobbi Gorman
Prayer Chain - Bryan Botsch
Sunday School - Bryan Botsch, Barbara Moreno
Stewardship Campaign - 
Ushers - Noel Ilogu
Women's Link - Marlene Botsch, Erin Tinagero
SB Food Bank - Erin Tinagero