Do you want to help bring donations to charitable organizations, help prepare meals and serve dinner to the homeless or safeguard homeless clients spending the night in a warm, safe place?
Ozanam Men’s Shelter
St Barnabas partners with Christ Church, New Brunswick, to staff its Men’s Homeless Shelter for two weeks each winter. Click here for further details for volunteers. We donate “goodie bags” and provide simple meals usually in a crock pot so that it’s easy to re-heat.
If you can help in any way, please let a Vestry Member know!
St. Barnabas has participated in this ministry since its inception in 2000.
Elijah’s Promise Soup Kitchen
Volunteers are needed to serve dinner to the needy at Elijah’s Promise in New Brunswick once a month on the third Tuesday from 5-7pm. See the newsletters for the next day to serve at Elijah’s Promise Soup Kitchen in New Brunswick.
Do you have any questions or would like to carpool? Ask a Vestry Member for the Coordinator.
SB Food Bank
Members of St. Barnabas can donate to the South Brunswick Food Pantry simply by bringing items to church on Sunday.
Non-perishable food can be put in the marked baskets under the welcome table just inside the main entrance. Can you help transport the food donations to the food pantry during the week? (see Vestry Member)
Adopt A Family
Each year we adopt one or more families and supply Christmas gifts to them. Do you know of a family in need? (see our Priest-In-Charge)
Mitten Tree
Each year during Advent, the mittens, scarfs, and gloves are harvested from our “mitten tree” and donated to those in need.
In addition, we collect winter coats each December! Please consider purchasing or donating gently used warm weather items!
Second Chance Animal Shelter
We collect newspapers and more to benefit the Second Chance Animal Shelter. Please come out to see all of the adoptable pets that benefit from your donations!
Agape House
All year long we collect for the Agape House homeless shelter but the urgent need for some items such as specific size diapers or baby formula may change.
A current list of what is urgently needed is updated in the announcements!
All of the families really appreciate our help! Donation List.
School Supplies
During the summer, we collect school supplies such as backpacks, notebooks, and crayons so that children are ready for the start of the new school year. All the kids get excited about receiving new stuff!
We believe that all God’s creations deserve a safe warm place to live and sleep with a good meal and a full cupboard.
Ministry of Racial Diversity
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, South Brunswick, N.J.
The Ministry of Racial Diversity at St. Barnabas Church seeks to expunge racism from the lives of people within our church and community and to promote diversity, and equality utilizing Christian faith, personal witness, dialogue and education. Please consider joining this ministry to learn about how we can all act to create justice and equity for all!